Request The powerlifter 180 TX

Glasstransport specialist
“An ideal product!”
- Category Glass trolleys, GlassLifting
- WLL 1-150
- Use Productline Industry, level 4*Productline Smart, level 1*
- art. number TX180 powerlifter
The Powerlifter can lift up to 240 kg, the Powerlifter can turn the glassplate 360 degrees. The vacuumlifter is adjustable so you can also use it on the Elephant, Giraffe and Sir Liftalot series, The Powerlifter mast can rotate 180 degrees with foot pedal – The glass plate can be longitudinally so that it is very narrow, eg doors – The powerlifter mast can be forward so that you can easily also place on a wider window sill – The powerlifter drives very easily through the larger tires and the rear-brake pulley wheel – The Powerlifter is demountable and so easy to transport.
He can lift from about 500 mm up to 2.2 meter high, the powerlifter is 1700 mm long
He can be used with 2 or 4 contra weights, 50 or 100 kg.
Front 2 contra weights 4 contra weights
300 mm 140 kg 240 kg
430 mm 100 kg 180 kg
590 mm 80 kg 153 kg
750 mm 50 kg 110 kg