H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P, Glasslifter and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslifter and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslifter and installer 150 kg
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P, Glasslifter and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P, glaslift 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P, Glasslift and installer 150 kg
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers
  • H905P glasslift for Glaziers

Product - Get in touch

Safe, easy and no back problems!


Your safety and health is important!

Everything has to be done quickly and we don’t have enough time and hands to do the work. What is the result; Due to poor work preparation and no suitable tools, we have to carry around unnecessarily, which poses the risk of back problems or accidents.

Fortunately, things often go well and many see the benefit of the right lifting aids. We have been specialized in lifting aids for weights from 50 to 250 kg for years. There is a short preparation time, especially when renovating where you often have to work in occupied situations or when installing emergency glass after a burglary. With a short preparation time, it is important to use smart, lightweight lifting aids. Good examples of these lifting aids are the Gevelridder, the light-weight battery vacuum cleaners, extendable hoisting trolleys and of course the glass lifts up to 150 or 200 kg.  Small and lightweight, so easy to take with you on your bus or to place in your home.

The window installer is a product that is often used for glass sheets up to 150 kg.  The big advantage compared to other window lifts is that the windows can rotate and the piston moves forward on the cable, so the piston remains vertical, all with little force because the car is perfectly balanced. Its dimensions are only 580×700 mm and it can reach a height of up to 230 cm. The vacuumlifter is also removable so that you can use it again on a Gevelridder or extendable hoisting truck.

This window installer or Tilly is also aviable for rent.


H905P, Glasslifter and installer 150 kg See a customer testing for the first time.  

combine products

H905S windowmate S

H905S, De ruitensjouwer 150 kg, Windowmate model S

The window mate S. With this glass installation tools, you prevent back problems.


H905S, De ruitensjouwer 150 kg, Windowmate model S

1-150 | Glass trolleys, GlassLifting
H905SD glasslift

H905SD, De ruitensjouwer 150 kg, Windowmate model SD

The window mate S. With this glass installation tools, you prevent back problems.


H905SD, De ruitensjouwer 150 kg, Windowmate model SD

1-150 | Glass trolleys, GlassLifting

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Astrid de Groot
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Astrid de Groot
Glass Handling Holland