It’s small and lightweight, but super strong and sturby in action.
Lightweight glasstrolley, made in Holland
combine products
W103B, Glass trolley, Glaskar met dubbele wielen
A frame of 2000 mm long, 1500 mm high, and a load capacity of 180 mm on one side.
W103B, Glass trolley, Glaskar met dubbele wielen
250-500 | Glass trolleys
Sir Liftalot, Gevelridder Glasslift hybride
this is a extenable alu. lift in 3 parts, 2.2 to 3.5 mtr and with a separet part to 5.5 mtr high.
Sir Liftalot, Gevelridder Glasslift hybride
150-250 | GlassLifting, Rental